The ADHD Clinic

124 Merton Street

Suite 402

Toronto, ON M4S 2Z2

tel 416 304 1779

fax 416 304 0257


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Mindfulness Therapy for Couples

A 6-week Therapy Program


with Dr. M. Lee Freedman

This 6-week course is an introduction to the principles and practices of mindful therapy with an emphasis on the unique challenges of navigating relationships in which one or both partners have ADHD or attention regulation challenges. The course will explore ways for partners to manage the stress associated with ADHD, to practice attention and emotion regulation skills in order to help themselves and their partners learn to self-regulate, and to be present with themselves in both positive and negative situations.  Through interactive discussion and mindfulness practice exercises, participants in program will begin to experience and learn skills to manage relationship stresses, practices to respond wisely, calmly, and compassionately to challenges.

Dates: To be scheduled to begin in SEPTEMBER 2014

Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Location: Suite 711 – 1849 Yonge Street, Toronto M4S 1Y2

Registration is OPEN for adults

but we ask you to call (416) 304-1779 in order to book a brief screening appointment

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